Learn About Our Curriculum
Preschool Program
Our preschool learning space is designed as a community where your child builds skills for future success.
Build independence
Develop cooperation & communication skills
Engage in hands-on learning
Develop self-confidence
Gain emotional intelligence
Literacy Curriculum will be focused on:
Singapore math
Hooked on Phonics
Handwriting Without Tears
With our preschool program we progress along the following developmental areas:
Approaches to Learning
Measures children’s ability to plan, set goals, and interact with others and the environment.
Creative Arts
Measures children’s ability to express ideas and feelings through music, movement, visual arts, and drama.
Early Math
Measures children’s ability to understand numbers, patterns, sorting, and order, as well as use numbers to add, subtract, measure, and graph.
Measures children’s expressive and receptive vocabulary and their ability to communicate effectively with conversation skills and language.
Measures children’s phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge, reading, and writing skills.
Logic & Reasoning
Measures children’s sequencing, problem-solving, and symbolic and critical-thinking skills.
Nature & Science
Measures children’s understanding of the natural and physical world and their ability to observe, describe, predict, and gather data.
Physical Development/Health
Measures children’s fine and gross motor skills and their understanding of health and nutrition.
Social Studies
Measures children’s understanding of themselves, their families, communities, and their world.
Social-Emotional Development
Measures children’s self-awareness and ability to show respect and empathy for others.
Toddler Care and Education
With our nurturing guidance, the toddlers can enhance their physical skills, and master milestones, all while moving and exploring freely.
In our toddler program, the children are provided with the following:
Stimulating classroom environments
Exclusive milestone-based curriculum
Immersive learning experiences
Educational toys and activities
With our toddler program we progress along the following developmental areas:
Approaches to Learning
The ability to solve problems, explore the world around them, and become more independent.
Cognitive Development
The ability to think critically and creatively and understand their world.
Language Development
The ability to communicate effectively using sounds, expressions, body language, and oral and written language; the ability to understand and respond to the communication of others.
Physical Development
The ability to coordinate and control large and small muscle movements, increasing awareness of health and safety concepts.
Social-Emotional Development
The ability to interact with others and their growing awareness of themselves and their emotions; understanding of their relationships with others, such as family, friends, and community members.